Credo Ut Intelligam

Credo Ut Intelligam
Above all else, think and reason. See with the eyes of your heart.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jesus Wept for His Friend (John 11:33-35)

Jesus wept openly for Lazarus,
When he heard his dear friend had died
It is hard for some people to fathom
That God’s firstborn Son could have cried
But we are made in God’s image
A fact that the Bible deems true
So good people work to embody God’s visage
May it reflect in the good that we do
Copyright ©2011 by j. k. Bradford, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Despite You and In Spite of Me

I sat outside of your narrow mind and waited for the storm windows to open
the hurricane you think men to be never came for you
and all of your posturing wasn’t worth the loneliness it cost
At times I find it impossible not to stand awestruck as you tap dance around unfounded fears
and when one gets the best of you,
I fear for you as the escalation begins and you like an animal
Lash out and destroy within yourself and others the very thing
that makes a loser win
and so I sit
I will wait through the storm of stated facts masquerading out of context
Screaming inside for you to abandon the storm cellars wasted years
Abandon your house of cards and come home
I will wait because once the skies clear
and the Sun makes its new debut
You will see my love washed clean from the rain of reality
Still here for you and no worse for wear
Copyright ©2011 by j. k. Bradford, All Rights Reserved